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OPINION: Uneducated White Women Swing Voters and The 2024 Presidential Cycle

Democrats haven't been this disheveled since a Republican freed the slaves. Race politics isn't stagnant. It evolves like all human behavior. The 2008 presidential election was the genesis of biracial politics. The 2024 presidential election is equally powerful in exposing the American biracial voter class flexing its nascent power. They represent the “identity politics” that is inconvenient for the traditional white liberal progressives who dominate the modern Democratic party.


OPINION: Obama's Audacity

The year 1985 isn't just the year the Chicago Bears had the most dominant team in the NFL. It was the year a messianic figure descended into Chicago. Barack Obama arrived in the city as Harold Washington became the first Black Mayor of ascended to power against the Democratic institutions owned by the Daley family. In Hyde Park, the epicenter of Independent Voter of Illinois politics. The man with dark skin and a white mother found fertile ground to lay the foundation to him becoming a historical figure.

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OPINION: Puffy Combs on abortion

The federal charges, politics and entertainment enterprise of one Sean "Puffy" Combs are an intersection where politically low-skill-set Voters and political parties who need their endorsement meet. Mr. Combs was a valuable resource to the Democratic party for over two decades. It allowed him to go from party promoter, to mogul too mean dog bisexual child/human trafficker/pimp.


OPINION: The Clinton's Cats Ate Haiti

With the people of Haiti in the news, whats not discussed, I will provide a few brief insights to. I'm sure many key facts have been glossed over. As the low-skill-set Voter Base of Democrats cry foul, and the Republicans reinforce their xenophobia. The truth is not needed to resolve anything.


OPINION: How White Liberals Jim Crowed The Negro Fetus

Kamala Harris is a woman of color with no children. On her mother's side, she is an Indian woman, and there are more than 1.47 billion people. On her father's side, there are 2.87 million Jamaicans. African Americans are 13% of the population in America, that's 48 million people.


The Chicago Rideshare Living Wage and Safety Ordinance would only hurt rideshare drivers

According to a recent study commissioned by the City of Chicago and conducted by Crowe LLP, a public accounting firm, drivers for Uber and Lyft earned more than $18 per hour, after accounting for expenses such as gas or vehicle depreciation.


City leaders must act to end racially and economically regressive policy

In what might be described as a modern day debtor’s prison, Chicago is the only major city in the United States that strips gig-workers, small-business owners, and ride-share drivers’ business licenses, for their unpaid ticket debts.