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OPINION: Obama's Audacity

The year 1985 isn't just the year the Chicago Bears had the most dominant team in the NFL. It was the year a messianic figure descended into Chicago. Barack Obama arrived in the city as Harold Washington became the first Black Mayor of ascended to power against the Democratic institutions owned by the Daley family. In Hyde Park, the epicenter of Independent Voter of Illinois politics. The man with dark skin and a white mother found fertile ground to lay the foundation to him becoming a historical figure. 

From the day Obama arrived to Chicago he had an agenda. This agenda was to use his biracial genetics to engender a rise to the top of the political food chain by any means necessary. He could be African American, he could be Anglo American; he could snort cocaine, smoke weed and stroll amongst the crowd of Whites and Blacks and be both, either or none. In the history of Chicago Politics he was a perfect political chameleon who was becoming a black man on the outside while being a white man on the inside. He emerged into a resilent well packaged double stuffed political Oreo cookie.

Charming, tall and smooth he first identified that he could use this to overwhelm the sensibilities of black women. This led to him pursuing his eventual wife Michelle Robinson, whose family history and connections were vital for him to build his black man resume in a city where he didn't have any inroads to being authentic outside of the multi-cultural enclave of Hyde Park and the University of Chicago.

Michelle was rooted in the Southside by birth not political ambition, nor the longing of a biracial man whose skin tone was a liability before it became an asset. A college buddy of Obamas who I won't name says all he did was “get high” while he was at Colombia University in New York, which is confirmed by Obama is his memoir “Dreams of My Father.” The second most important woman of color in Barack Obamas life was former Ilinois State Senator Alice Palmer. Obama wasn't trying to marry her but take a short cut to his first political office.

When Palmer pursued the open congressional seat that became available when Congressman Gus Savage became a target and victim of the American Israeli Political Action Commitee and lost his seat. Palmer believed she could ascend to become Savages replacement, Obama got the support for Palmer to pursue her State Senator seat. 

When Palmer didn't see a pathway to victory because of Mel Reynolds, who was a Rhode Scholar from Harvard and friends with a Governor from Arkansas whose name was Bill Clinton, who became president of the United States. She believed the tall nice young black man would allow her to pivot back to her State Senator seat. However, Mrs. Palmer couldn't have been more wrong. When she realized Barack wasn't a nice young black man but a white wolf in black skin, her ballot petition signatures were challenged and she would be knocked off thr ballot. Making her incapable of competing for a seat she would have won otherwise.

Once Barack made easy work with Alice Palmer he set his sights on Congressman Bobby Rush, the former alderman and Black Panther. Obama believed Rush was a nothing more than another low-skill-set Black Politician whom he could outclass. He was wrong. Nonetheless, he would lick his wounds and be better prepared for the next move. This became the United States Senate when Peter Fitzgerald decided he wouldn't seek re-election. I first heard Obama was running to replace Fitzgerald while we were both getting our oil changed at the “Pit Stop” on Stoney Island.

With Obama's political career behind him he's now a wealthy man who has nothing more to do but be rich, charming and condensending to half of his biological construction. His latest comments regarding the lack of enthusiastic support for the new racial political creation of the Democratic Party, Vice President and Democratic nominee for President Kamala Harris is a consistent behavior that was to inconvenient to notice when African American men assumed he was a whole brother. 

Nonetheless, I thank Mr. Obama who has now invalidated himself as a voice of moderation in reason and civility. Essentially, he's the primary reason Donald Trump became president and likely is to do so again with growing support among African American men who can claim that heritage from both their mother and father. Had Obama not taken the low road against Trump at his last White House Correspondence Dinner, where he roasted Trump who sat in the audience and took the barrage of Obama wit and humor in stride. It's likely Trump would have never pursued the White House. 

Obama told Trump he could never be like him and become a two term president of the United States, with the same truclence he insured Alice Palmer would never be able to challenge him for a State Senate seat. Dropping the microphone as he concluded. In several weeks voting sights across America will be where Obamas half brothers will decide if he was correct. The rising (Obama) tide didn't lift any ships.

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