OMAC Director Odom on caregivers class: 'This is one of the first courses of its kind geared toward trauma victims'

A cargegiver comforts a patient in a wheelchair. | Jem Sahagun/Unsplash

OMAC Director Odom on caregivers class: 'This is one of the first courses of its kind geared toward trauma victims'

Malcolm X College will host a two-day symposium for caregivers of first responders, veterans, and trauma victims in Chicago.

The event will be held from Feb. 21 - 22 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., and the public can attend for free, according to City Colleges of Chicago News.

“This program is unique in that it broadens the scope of outreach to trauma victims beyond the veteran community,” said Terrell Odom, director of the University of Chicago’s Office for Military-Affiliated Communities (OMAC). “We believe that this is one of the first courses of its kind geared toward trauma victims as a whole. Different communities encounter trauma differently, but all caregivers and victims are experiencing similar challenges.”

The course will serve as a pilot for an ongoing caregivers course set to be taught at Malcolm X College in the summer by professors and staff from the University of Chicago and the City Colleges of Chicago. The four-week course will teach caregivers how to provide basic first aid, move patients securely, treat wounds, and connect to a variety of community services.

“Trauma doesn’t discriminate whether you are on active duty, a veteran, first responder, or a civilian," said CCC Vice Chancellor, Darryl Williams. "Everyone potentially could be impacted by it. One way we can all help is by learning more about how to best support not only the victims of trauma but those who provide the care for the victims. The Caregivers Course available at Malcolm X College this summer will work to strengthen support systems for those impacted by trauma. It will help assist in the healing process and connect caregivers to the resources they deserve. We are very proud to be a partner in this critical work.”

A virtual attendance option will also be offered. People can register for the course through the University of Chicago website.

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