UIC seeks nominations for Faculty Advisory Committee

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Thomas Royston Interim Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Strategic Partnerships | University Of Illinois At Chicago

UIC seeks nominations for Faculty Advisory Committee

The Faculty Advisory Committee at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) plays a crucial role in facilitating communication between academic staff and university administration. As outlined in the University Statutes, Article II, Section 4, the committee is responsible for voicing suggestions for the betterment of the university and addressing faculty grievances. It also provides a platform for direct communication on matters concerning academic staff.

In addition to its advisory role, the UIC Senate has tasked the committee with handling cases involving severe sanctions short of dismissal. This follows amendments to Article IX, Section 6 of the University Statutes, allowing procedures that could lead to serious sanctions other than dismissal.

The committee consists of two non-tenure track and seven tenured faculty members. Eligibility criteria include not holding an administrative position, having three years of service at UIC, and maintaining at least a 75% appointment. Only senior rank and associate rank non-tenure track faculty can serve. Members are elected for three-year terms, with three members elected annually. The statutes restrict more than two faculty members from any college serving simultaneously.

This election cycle will see five new members elected due to unfilled seats from previous elections. The top three nominees will serve until 2028; one will fill a two-year term ending in 2027; another will fill a one-year term ending in 2026. Current committee members include Giamila Fantuzzi from the College of Applied Health Sciences (term ending 2027), Tony Laden from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (term ending 2027), Xóchitl Bada also from Liberal Arts and Sciences (term ending 2026), and Geraldine Gorman from the College of Nursing (term ending 2026).

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