Watch Commanders Corey Banks and Stanley Brown of Illinois Tech emphasize the importance of safety for students and staff on campus. Banks states, "Making sure that students and staff are safe. Anything else can be fixed, but as long as they're safe and we know they're safe, we're okay." Brown adds, "We adapt as we go, observe, and then come up with formulated plans so we can react to it and keep the students safe."
Zion Bishop, a fourth-year computer science student, shares his experience on campus: "Walking around day or night, it was always safe for me. I never felt threatened especially because I knew Public Safety was always around." Bishop appreciates the security measures in dorms: "They have kind of like a two-step verification where you have to tap your ID before you even can enter the building."
The Guardian Rave app is highlighted as a valuable tool for campus safety. It allows users to book escort vans or notify others of their whereabouts. Banks explains its functionality: "It's also like a tracking app where you can let your parents or your best friend know, 'I'm on my way. Watch me as I'm coming.'"
Beyond physical safety measures, student well-being is supported by the Student Health and Wellness Center. Bishop notes its availability through various channels including the Rave app.
Banks describes how alerts from the Rave app are handled: "Once you hit the alert for Rave, it sends it to our dispatch." The Dispatch Center operates 24/7 to monitor any unusual activity.
Public Safety officers patrol buildings regularly with bike patrols during school days ensuring constant vigilance over campus security.
"My job is to make sure that your baby comes home when it's time for them to come home," concludes Banks.