UIC announces holiday schedule for research offices

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Sandy Wayne Dean of College of Business Administration | University Of Illinois At Chicago

UIC announces holiday schedule for research offices

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research at UIC has announced its holiday schedule, aligning with the university's reduced service schedule for nonessential services. This affects several offices under its purview, which will close at 5 p.m. on December 23 and reopen at 8:30 a.m. on January 2.

The Office of Sponsored Programs requires submissions of administrative work, such as proposals and reports, by December 16 to ensure processing before the office reopens in January.

Similarly, the Office of Animal Care and Institutional Biosafety (OACIB) has outlined deadlines for protocol submissions and modifications to ensure they are reviewed timely. The Animal Care Committee protocols must be submitted by December 4 for January review, while Institutional Biosafety Committee protocols have a deadline of December 12.

The Office for the Protection of Research Subjects emphasizes submitting continuing reviews four weeks before protocol expiration dates to avoid lapses during the closure. Requests for emergency use of investigational drugs or devices will still be accepted via email.

The Biologic Resources Laboratory will maintain limited operations, accepting animal orders and deliveries up until December 23. The Research Resources Center also follows the reduced schedule but notes that some core facilities may continue operations during this period.

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